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about us
PBT Mobility was founded in 2002. With the great support of my wife Bettina, we have helped many disabled people to find new courage to live and we continue to try.
Until the beginning of 2019, our company was called Powerbasetec.
Now that our two sons Niclas and Jonas had worked for the company for a few years, it was their desire to take on responsibility themselves.
In order to meet the new challenges with our new ParaMotion, which is now manufactured as a certified and approved medical product and sold worldwide, our two sons founded the company PowerBaseTec GmbH.
Since having the same name for the companies could cause confusion on the market, I renamed my sole proprietorship. That is why we now have the sole proprietorship PBT Mobility and our sons' company PowerBaseTec GmbH.
Of course, we continue to work hand in hand and complement each other with our different skills.
The company PBT Mobility concentrates on the used market, contact with customers, the trade and service of handbikes and wheelchair traction devices as well as on tournament and event organization.
Our sons with the certified company PowerBaseTec GmbH exclusively produce the new ParaMotion in German craftsmanship with their qualified employees and sell the ParaMotion as well as other wheelchair drives and mobility aids worldwide. They also take care of the worldwide service for paragolfers, powergolfers and the new ParaMotion.
At the beginning of 2024, our son Jonas also took over the Handisport Mallorca foundation with our support. Handisport Mallorca has existed since 2007 and offers physically and mentally disabled holidaymakers and locals a variety of sports and leisure activities.
Among other things, golf, sailing, mountain tours with special off-road wheelchairs, handbike tours, beach sailing and sightseeing tours with special buses are offered. You can find more information at
www.handisportmallorca.org and www.handisportmallorca.com
Our common goal is to help disabled people regain a new quality of life and to make disadvantaged people more mobile.
We do our best to achieve this every day